Polling Locations (Vote Centers) – Election Day – Two vote centers will be available on Election Day and during Early Voting, for those who may require assistance, or may have issues with their ballot, i.e.: spoiled, torn or damaged, or did not receive a ballot, need to make name and/or address changes, missed the deadline to register to vote, etc., or simply wish to hand deliver their voted ballot.
- Millard County Clerk’s Office; 765 S Hwy 99, Ste. 6, Fillmore, Utah, open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. (Park in the North parking lot. Enter through the doors that directly face the Hospital, which is located across the street) and follow the “Vote Arrows”.)
- Millard County Satellite Offices; 71 S 200 W, Delta, Utah, open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. (Park in any available parking spot in front or on the side of the building. Enter through the main doors that face West. Head straight back through to the Courtroom, just follow the “Vote Arrows”.)
All voters registered in Millard County may drop off their voted ballot, in the sealed envelope, at any of the two vote centers (listed above) during County, State or Federal elections and the 2021 Municipal Election, or at any of the drop box locations: https://millardcounty.gov/faq/drop-box/.
All ballots will be paper ballots, with the exception of those who may require assistance via an electronic vote machine with accessible features (e.g. audio ballot, touch screen, large print, high contrast). All ballots will be mailed to the mailing address we have on file for each active registered voter, so be sure to update your mailing address with our office. Also, remember to sign the return envelope, where indicated, and include a telephone number and/or email address to help us contact you if there is an issue with your signature. Ballots of those whose signature is challenged cannot be counted until the signature is remedied.
Election staff will be present on Election Day and during Early Voting to assist voters who require special amenities, did not receive a ballot for whatever reason, missed the deadline to register to vote and/or have issues with their ballot, etc..