Disability Voting

We believe that every voter has the right to vote independently and privately and are committed to provide meaningful access to all eligible voters within Millard County.

If you have any questions about voting, or are in need of assistance, you may contact us at 435-743-6223; 435-864-2440 or [email protected] or [email protected]

Millard County mails every active registered voter a ballot approximately three weeks before each election. This allows a vast majority of our voters to vote from the comfort of their own home.

Additionally, both of our vote centers are equipped with touch screen ballot marking devices that voters can use to help them fill out their ballot. These marking devices are available to any voter upon request, but are particularly helpful to voters that have a hard time reading or marking a paper ballot. These marking devices are designed with accessibility features to enable independent and private voting; such as: large font, contrast, audio, voting pad, and plugins for sip and puff or rocker paddles. You can bring your own headphones and accessories or use the headphones we provide. The following videos explain how to vote in more detail:

Voting by mail or at an Election Center 

Voting by mail or at an Election Center (Audio description)

Every voter has the right to have someone assist them in the polling place. This can be a family member, a friend, or even a poll worker. The only people who cannot assist a voter is their boss, a trade union representative, or a candidate.

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